You have the opportunity to help us support a “first” for the Region – a roundabout with a completely safe pedestrian/cycling underpass!
The Region of Waterloo is rebuilding Franklin Boulevard from Avenue Road to Bishop Street. The current proposal includes dual Multi-Use Paths, completing a full “All Ages and Abilities” route from Hespeler all the way to the southern City boundary and across to the Paris Rail Trail! Not only that, the proposal includes a new roundabout at Franklin Boulevard and Saginaw Parkway with a Multi-Use Path connection under Franklin Boulevard. No crossing your fingers that car drivers will realize someone else wants to use the roundabout! This is great news for the students at St. Benedict’s Catholic Secondary School, who comprise most of the 1600 daily crossings of Franklin Boulevard at that intersection (one of the busiest pedestrian crossings in the Region).
While no plan is perfect, and (as always!) we have some suggestions for improvement, CycleWR strongly supports the overall concept.
For more details on the plan, click here.
Incredibly, there are some people who do not think this is a good idea. You can help push this over the finish line. Come out to show your support at the public information meeting:
- Date and time:
25th of April 2024 at 6:30-8:00 PM - Location:
St. Benedict’s School, 50 Saginaw Parkway, Cambridge
If you can’t attend (or even if you can), make sure you respond to the online survey on this issue. A link to the survey will be available from April 25 to May 12 on the EngageWR page for this project (click here). Note that you will need to register with EngageWR to complete the survey, if you are not already registered.
Help bring this exciting development to Cambridge!