We at Cycle WR are all for safer infrastructure on our streets and roads. We are also for safe cycling practices across the Region of Waterloo. Also, it is required by law to have a front light on your bike and at least a rear reflector. Having a rear light is not required by law but we would recommend one. Below these paragraphs, we will share some optional lights that will make your riding experience safer (and more fun) during the winter season when it gets dark sooner. First, we recommend checking out the various local bicycle shops in the region and see what they have. We believe they mostly will have front and rear lights, but some might have some more fun lights. However, if you have already done that and haven’t found quite what you are looking for, here are some links for you! These lights for your bike will also make great photos for our #CycleWRWinterChallenge giveaway. 😉